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Prodeo Scholars Learn Mindfulness

Along with the academic classes students take at Prodeo, specials classes serve an essential purpose in the growth of our scholars. Read St.Paul's yoga and mindfulness teacher, Tara Willits' words below about the purpose of her class and some tips for practicing mindfulness outside of the classroom.

"The benefits of yoga and mindfulness practice are endless, and I feel fortunate to share valuable lessons with the scholars at Prodeo Academy daily. Yoga helps children develop physical health through beneficial practices throughout their entire lifespan. Practicing mindfulness helps kids, teens, and adults develop confidence, manage stress, regulate their emotions, develop better concentration, and create a more positive outlook on life. 

A yoga and mindfulness practice is beneficial for the whole family! It can be a great way to connect, reflect, and spend quality time together. Ask your scholar to teach you some of the poses they have been working on, or turn on a YouTube video and practice together at home. 

Finding moments of mindfulness can help to ease stress throughout the day. Model using deep breaths during difficult moments at home, too; not only will you show your child healthy ways to cope, but you will also reap the benefits of mindfulness and notice a more relaxed state of well-being."

There are free in-person yoga and mindfulness classes all around the cities! Especially during the summer months, many parks offer free outdoor classes, too. Take advantage of attending a class with your kids or on your own for self-care.